Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best (20 Fun Facts About Vietnamese Coffee You May Not Know)

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As coffee lovers will attest, there is nothing quite like a good cup of coffee.

And when it comes to coffee, few countries do it better than Vietnam.

For starters, Vietnamese coffee is typically made with Robusta beans which are known for their strong flavor.

This results in a coffee that is full-bodied and has a distinctively bold taste.

In addition, Vietnamese coffee is often brewed using a Phin –  a type of filter that allows for a slow, steady brew.

This results in a smoother, less bitter cup of coffee.

Vietnam is the #1 producer of Robusta beans in the world whereas other well-known countries such as Brazil and Ethiopia are known for producing arabica beans.

This means that Vietnam is able to produce a consistently high quality coffee bean.

Robusta beans are, for lack of a better word, more robust .

They’re less susceptible to pests and disease which results in a more consistent cup of coffee.

Last but not least, Vietnamese coffee is typically served with sweetened condensed milk.

This gives the coffee a rich, creamy texture and takes away any bitterness.

So next time you’re looking for a good cup of coffee, be sure to give Vietnamese coffee a try.

You just might find that it’s the best cup of coffee you’ve ever had!

A Closer Look At 20 Fun Facts About Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best

Now that we know what it is, let’s get to the fun facts!

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #1

Why Vietnamese coffee is the best? There are many reasons! 

First, the coffee trees were brought to Vietnam from France in 1857 by botanist Jean Baptiste Delessert. This means that Vietnamese coffee has a long and rich history. 

Second, Vietnamese coffee is known for its strong and rich flavor. This is due to the country’s ideal climate for growing coffee beans. 

Finally, Vietnam is the second largest exporter of coffee in the world, so you can be sure that you’re getting a quality product when you buy Vietnamese coffee.

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #2

There are some big coffee producers in the world, but did you know that Vietnam is now the second largest producer of coffee in the world? That’s right, behind only Brazil.

So, why is Vietnamese coffee so special? 

Well, for one thing, the country’s climate is perfect for growing coffee beans. The warm weather and high humidity help the coffee trees to thrive. Plus, the rich soil provides plenty of nutrients for the plants.

Another reason that Vietnamese coffee is so popular is that it has a unique flavor. 

Vietnamese coffee is often described as being “smooth” and “bitter.” This makes it a perfect choice for those who like their coffee with a little bit of a kick.

So, if you’re looking for a delicious cup of coffee, be sure to check out Vietnamese coffee. You won’t be disappointed!

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #3

The main reason is the climate. The Vietnamese coffee belt is located in the Central Highlands, where the average temperature is 20-25 degrees Celsius and the rainfall is 1500-1700 mm per year. 

This region has a lot of sunshine and high humidity, which creates ideal conditions for growing coffee.

The Vietnamese coffee industry has boomed in recent years, with the country now ranking as the second largest producer of coffee in the world. 

Vietnamese coffee is known for its strong, rich flavor and unique brewing methods. 

If you’re a coffee lover, here are four reasons why you should try Vietnamese coffee:

1. The Climate

As mentioned above, one of the main reasons Vietnamese coffee is so good is because of the climate. 

The Central Highlands region where most of Vietnam’s coffee plantations are located has a temperate climate with average temperatures of 20-25 degrees Celsius and 1500-1700 mm of rainfall per year. 

This region is also blessed with plenty of sunshine and high humidity, which creates ideal conditions for growing coffee.

2. The Soil

Another reason Vietnamese coffee is so delicious is the quality of the soil. The Central Highlands region has nutrient-rich soil that is perfect for growing coffee trees. The soil here is also well-drained, which helps the coffee trees to thrive.

3. The Coffee Trees

The coffee trees themselves are also a big factor in why Vietnamese coffee is so special. Most of the coffee trees in Vietnam are of the Arabica variety, which is known for producing coffee with a strong, rich flavor. 

The Arabica coffee trees in Vietnam are also relatively young, which makes them more productive and gives the coffee they produce a higher quality.

4. The Brewing Methods

Finally, the way Vietnamese coffee is brewed also contributes to its unique flavor. 

Vietnamese coffee is typically brewed using a phin, which is a small metal filter that allows the coffee to slowly drip into the cup. This brewing method results in a strong, concentrated coffee that has a rich flavor and aroma.

If you’re looking for an amazing cup of coffee, Vietnamese coffee is definitely worth trying. Thanks to the perfect growing conditions, Vietnamese coffee is some of the best in the world.

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #4

Vietnamese coffee is often heralded as some of the best in the world, and there are good reasons for that. The country’s varied climate and terrain results in a diverse range of beans, which leads to unique and complex flavors.

One of the things that sets Vietnamese coffee apart is the fact that Arabica beans are grown at high altitudes. 

related article In JustAnotherCuppaCoffee.com

This gives them a sweeter taste and a more delicate flavor profile. Robusta beans, on the other hand, are grown at lower altitudes. This results in a more bitter taste and a stronger flavor.

So, if you’re looking for a truly unique coffee experience, Vietnamese coffee is definitely worth trying. You might just find that it’s your new favorite!

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #5

Trung Nguyen, founded in 1996 is the most popular brand of coffee in Vietnam, and for good reason. Vietnamese coffee is some of the best in the world, thanks to the country’s rich soils and ideal climate for growing coffee beans.

Vietnamese coffee is typically strong and flavorful, with a dark roast that delivers a robust caffeine kick. And unlike many other types of coffee, Vietnamese coffee is traditionally brewed using a phin, or Vietnamese drip filter. This unique brewing method results in a smooth, rich cup of coffee that’s perfect for sipping on a warm day.

So if you’re looking for an amazing cup of coffee, be sure to try Vietnamese coffee from Trung Nguyen. You won’t be disappointed!

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #6

Vietnamese coffee is often heralded as some of the best in the world. And it’s no wonder, considering the country’s rich coffee culture and history.

Coffee was first introduced to Vietnam in 1857 by French missionaries, and it quickly became a popular drink among the Vietnamese people. 

In 1957, instant coffee was invented by Ngo Dang Phong, making it even easier for people to enjoy a delicious cup of joe.

What makes Vietnamese coffee so special? For one, the beans used to make Vietnamese coffee are typically Arabica beans, which are known for their smooth flavor. 

The beans are also roasted longer than most other types of coffee beans, giving them a deeper flavor, and this is why Vietnamese Coffee is best (Well that’s what my taste buds tell me!)

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #7

For a country that has established itself as one of the leading coffee producers did you know that it wasn’t until the 1980s that coffee consumption really took off in Vietnam?

The way we drink coffee has changed over time and with technological advances, more people have access to this delicious beverage.

But what makes Vietnamese coffee so special?

There are a few reasons:

  • The first is the quality of the beans.
  • Second is the roasting process
  • And last but not least, the brewing method

All of these factors come together to create a uniquely rich and flavourful cup of coffee.

So next time you’re looking for a new coffee to try, make sure you give Vietnamese coffee a chance! You won’t be disappointed.

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #8

The Vietnamese words for ‘coffee’ and ‘phonetic transcription’ are both pronounced ‘cà phê’.

2 Cups of Vietnamese Coffee sitting on a wooden bench overlooking the mountains, this shows one of the many reasons why Vietnamese coffee is best
Taken On Our Recent Trip To Vietnam

Vietnamese coffee is some of the best in the world. The country produces high-quality beans, and the coffee is usually made with a dark roast. This results in a rich and flavorful brew.

Vietnamese iced coffee is also very popular. It’s made by drip brewing directly over ice, resulting in a refreshing and slightly sweet beverage.

If you’re looking for an authentic Vietnamese coffee experience, be sure to try cà phê sữa đá. 

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #9

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best: If you love a good strong caffeine hit then you’ll want to try a Vietnamese coffee. 

A typical cup of this iced or hot coffee contains twice as much caffeine as a cup of regular drip coffee.

So why is it so strong? 

Well, the coffee grounds are mixed with sweet condensed milk and then slowly dripped through a metal filter into your cup. 

This method of brewing results in a more concentrated, flavourful cup of coffee – perfect for those who need an extra boost to get them through the day!

If iced coffee is more your thing, then you’re in luck. Vietnamese iced coffee is just as strong and delicious as the hot version, making it the perfect summer pick-me-up. 

So next time you’re looking for a caffeine fix, make sure you try a cup of Vietnamese coffee – you won’t be disappointed!

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #10

Vietnamese iced coffee is often served with a straw so that the condensed milk can be stirred into the coffee.

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #11

Vietnamese coffee is often made with Robusta beans, which are known for their strong flavor. This gives the coffee a unique taste that many coffee lovers enjoy.

The coffee is also usually served iced, which makes it refreshing and perfect for hot days.

When made with Robusta beans, Vietnamese coffee is sometimes referred to as ‘ca phe sua da’, which means ‘coffee with milk and ice’.

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #12

Ca phe sua nang iced coffee is a popular variation of iced coffee, made with sweetened condensed milk that has been whipped into a frothy consistency. 

Vietnamese iced coffee is typically made with a dark roast coffee, giving it a bolder flavor than other iced coffees.

The addition of sweetened condensed milk makes Vietnamese iced coffee sweeter and richer than other iced coffees. 

Sweetened condensed milk is also used in ca phe sua da, another popular variation of iced coffee.

Vietnamese iced coffee is usually served over ice, making it refreshing and perfect for hot summer days. 

If you want to try something different, you can also find variations of iced coffee made with green tea or jasmine tea.

So why is Vietnamese iced coffee the best? The bold flavor of the dark roast coffee, combined with the sweetness of the condensed milk, makes for a delicious and refreshing iced coffee. 

If you’re looking for something different from your usual iced coffee, give Vietnamese iced coffee a try!

related article in JustAnotherCuppaCoffee.com

We use the Shardor Coffee Grinder For all our coffee grinding and I think its why our Vietnamese Coffee Is Best.

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #13

When I was in Vietnam this one was my absolute favorite of all the coffee drinks I tried! It’s made with egg yolks, sugar, and condensed milk.

Egg coffee is a real treat and definitely something different than your regular cup of joe. The egg yolks make the coffee rich and creamy, while the condensed milk adds a sweetness that takes this drink to the next level.

If you’re ever in Vietnam (or if you’re lucky enough to find Vietnamese egg coffee where you live), be sure to give it a try! I promise you won’t be disappointed.

You can check out a good mate of mine, Adam Liaw to see how to make the best tasting coffee you will ever have in the quick 5 minute video below!

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #14

There’s something special about Vietnamese coffee that you can’t find anywhere else in the world. Perhaps it’s the rich, robust flavor of the coffee beans themselves. 

Or maybe it’s the traditional way that the coffee is brewed, using a phin filter. Whatever the reason, there’s no denying that Vietnamese coffee is some of the best in the world.

And one of the things that makes Vietnamese coffee so unique is the fact that most coffee shops in Vietnam are family-run businesses, passed down from generation to generation. This gives each coffee shop its own individual character and charm.

If you’re ever in Vietnam, be sure to sample some of the local coffee. You won’t be disappointed!

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #15

I have never seen so many people drinking coffee in the street than when I was in Vietnam.

Coffee is a big part of Vietnamese culture and it is not uncommon to see people sipping iced coffees or brewed coffees while they are out and about.

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #16

Vietnamese coffee is often lauded as some of the best in the world.  And it’s no wonder – the country’s rich, diverse coffee culture results in some truly unique and delicious brews.

One of the things that makes Vietnamese coffee so special is the way it is brewed.  

Drip brewing using a phin filter is by far the most popular method in Vietnam.  This method allows for a slow, controlled extraction of coffee oils and flavors, resulting in a cup that is both incredibly rich and smooth.

Some other methods are used as well, such as  iced coffee and  ca phe sua da.  

But no matter how you like your coffee, you’re sure to find a delicious cup in Vietnam.  

So why not try it for yourself?  You might just be surprised at how good Vietnamese coffee can be!

Phin Filter Vietnamese Coffee Bundle Pack

  • PERFECT FOR YOUR DAILY GRIND – The Original Phin Filter (Vietnamese Brew Tool)
  • GREAT SIZE – The Original Phin Filter has a 4 oz. camber to go with your Nguyen Coffee Supply
  • PERFECT BREW – Slow dripper brews a perfect hot or iced coffee (cafe sua da) in 5 minutes
  • GRAVITY PRESS – Just let gravity do the work for you to make your hot or cold brew coffee

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #17

The reason why Vietnamese coffee is best comes down to the phin filter. This filter was first introduced to Vietnam by the French during colonial times.

The phin filter is a coffee brewing device that allows for a more slow and controlled extraction of coffee oils and flavors. This results in a cup of coffee that is more rich and flavorful than coffee brewed with other methods.

In addition, the phin filter allows you to adjust the strength of your coffee according to your preferences. 

If you want a strong cup of coffee, you can use more grounds and brew for a longer time. 

If you prefer a weaker cup of coffee, you can use less grounds and brew for a shorter time.

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #18

A cup of Vietnamese coffee made with an automatic drip coffee maker will typically have less caffeine than one made with a phin filter, and that’s because of the way the coffee is brewed. 

Instructional Video (45 Seconds To Perfection)

How To Make Coffee With A Drip Coffee Maker

Vietnamese coffee is made by slowly drip-brewing coffee grounds over a period of time, allowing for a more complete extraction of the coffee’s oils and flavors. 

This process results in a cup of coffee that is rich and full-flavored, with fewer bitter notes. 

And because less caffeine is extracted from the beans using an automatic drip coffee maker, you’ll end up with a cup of coffee that has less caffeine than the other brewing methods I mentioned earlier. 

So if you’re looking for a rich, flavorful cup of coffee with less caffeine, make sure to try Vietnamese coffee made with an automatic drip coffee maker.

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #19

Vietnamese coffee is some of the best in the world. But if you’re looking for a decaf option, you might be out of luck. Decaffeinated coffee is not commonly available in Vietnam.

There are a few reasons for this. 

First, Vietnamese coffee is already quite low in caffeine. So there’s not as much of a need for decaf options. 

Second, most Vietnamese coffee is made using the traditional drip method, which results in a lower caffeine content anyway.

If you are looking for a decaf option, your best bet is to try one of the instant coffee brands that are available. 

These have been decaffeinated before being packaged, so they should have less caffeine. However, they may not have the same rich flavor as freshly brewed Vietnamese coffee.

So if you’re looking for a truly caffeine-free cup of coffee, your best bet is to stick with tea. There are plenty of delicious herbal and fruit teas available in Vietnam that make a great alternative to coffee.

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Fun Fact #20

If you want to try making Vietnamese coffee at home, you’ll need a phin filter, medium-grind coffee beans, and sweetened condensed milk.

Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best Summary

If you love coffee, and you haven’t had Vietnamese coffee yet, you need to get on it! 

It’s easily one of the best cups of joe out there, and if you have had it before, then you know just how amazing it is. 

So what are you waiting for? Get your drip on!

I hope you enjoyed learning about this delicious coffee! Now go out and get yourself a cup!

6 thoughts on “Why Vietnamese Coffee Is Best (20 Fun Facts About Vietnamese Coffee You May Not Know)”

  1. pasindu dimanka

    Thank you very much for this valuable detailed post about Vietnamese Coffee. Honestly, I have never drunk Vietnamese coffee. Reading this post really made me want to try them. I would love to try Vietnamese iced coffee. I think they are more delicious especially because of the quality beans used for it. Keep posting like this.

  2. I do agree  – although I was not of that opinion before. 

    I mean, to be the best coffee I had ever tried was Italian coffee. Then in 2017 I made a trip to Vietnam and ordered a coffee. It was a WAW moment since I really understood that Vietnamese coffee is really the best. 

    It is interesting to read about coffee and learn more… Also, I remember that one has a lot of choices when it comes to drinking the coffee in small pubs.

    Oh many, just reading and thinking about that makes me want to go back to Vietnam and have a nice cup of coffee 😉 \\

  3. Oh, this was great to learn more about Vietnamese coffee and the fun facts that one might regard it as the best. My first reaction was that Brazilian and African coffees are the best, but I was open to learn more about the Vietnamese alternative. 

    It was interesting to see that Vietnam is the main producer of Robusta coffee, which is less susceptible to pests and diseases, which makes the quality easier to control. 

    Is it best to actually have Vietnamese coffee in Vietnam where it will be prepared the classic way? The sweetened condensed milk served with Vietnamese coffee might not be my first choice when having a cup of Arabica in Europe, but I am prepared to give it a try. You make it sound very delicious.  

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