A Tap sticking out from an old concrete wall

Nespresso Vertuoplus Coffee Machine – Making Watered Down Single Serve Coffee Obsolete

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The days of watered down, single-serve coffee are over. Thanks to the Nespresso VertuoPlus Coffee Machine, you can now get rich, authentic espresso and coffee drinks with ease.

Would you like watered down single serve coffee? No, me neither which is why the Nespresso VertuoPlus coffee machine is a must have. This machine makes delicious, full-flavored coffee with no watered down taste. If you’re in the market for a new coffee maker, be sure to check out the VertuoPlus!

Watered Down Single-Serve Coffee Is a Thing of Past

A young woman pulling a face of dislike while drinking her coffee from a mug while sitting on a lounge

The single-serve coffee machine is not for everyone. Some say it tastes like plastic, others cannot stand the price of each pod and still complain about wastefulness (but let’s discuss this later).

But don’t let all of these reservations hold you back! The single serve coffee machine has been around for years and it’s time we start seeing them as a common fixture in our homes, offices or anywhere else that requires caffeine.

A quick search online will show over 50 different makes/models to meet any need – hot drinks like tea bags; cold brews made from ground beans rather than extracts which are more expensive but just as delicious (if not better); espresso shots galore…the list goes on!!! So what if Frank or Irene (2 Random names I came up with LOL) doesn’t want one? Personally, I’ve always preferred them.

The Nespresso VertuoPlus is a high-quality espresso machine that does everything you want in under three minutes. It has an easy to use interface, stores easily on your countertop or shelves (no more taking up space), and gives customers the café experience they crave without all of those pesky drawbacks associated with other methods such as pour overs & French presses–the list goes on! Why not check it out today?

What Is The Difference Between The Nespresso Vertuoplus Coffee Machine And The Original?

With the Vertuo line, you can have exactly what your taste buds desire. You won’t need to fuss with machines or waste time prepping them because this one does it all for ya! Just the push of a button and get either an espresso shot in bed at breakfast time; 18 different flavors (including vanilla latte!) after lunch on those days where everything else seems sweet enough–or simply switch out cups as needed throughout each day making sure everyone is happy.

How Does The Nespresso Vertuoplus Coffee Machine Work?

The  Nespresso VertuoPlus line of coffee makers is a game changer for people who care about their environmental footprint. 

You can finally enjoy your morning cup without worrying if it’s going to be too strong or weak, since this machine uses an intelligent extraction system that recognizes which pod you put in based on its barcode located onto the rim- another plus if we’re counting how much easier these things are than manual machines! 

What About The Coffee Taste?

The Nespresso Vertuoplus Coffee Machine is the perfect choice for coffee lovers who want to enjoy a wide range of different cup sizes and types. You can now make 5 different cup sizes with one machine, using three different capsule sizes. The large capsule produces an Alto size – a long-cup Coffee with naturally formed crema; the medium capsule creates a double Espresso or Gran Lungo; and the small one makes an Espresso. The machine also has a 1-button operation, automatic capsule ejection and heats up in under 1-minute!

The pod coffee maker works a little differently than your traditional espresso machine. Instead of pulling hot water through grounds and out the other side, this one uses capsules that are filled with instant espresso powder/broth combo (depending on what kind you get) until they’re full-topped like a muffin top! 

It creates quality shots each time; crema comparable to anything pulled by hand or automatic machines—and no matter how strong I drink it tastes better than any drip brew I’ve ever had before!

VertuoLine is my go-to for coffee pods. They have more than 30 flavors to choose from, and I always order Intense Espresso or Voltesso espresso depending on what mood strikes me at any given time of day!

I really love the limited edition hazelnut muffin flavor during winter holidays though–it’s so satisfyingly sweet with just enough tartness that makes it perfect as an afternoon snack without the calories!

Who wants to spend money at a coffee shop when you can make it yourself? The best part is, my skills are improving with every day that passes. In fact I’ve been able to create such delicious drinks as lattes and cappuccinos using the Genuine Zulay Milk Boss frother! 

Does Nespresso Really Care About The Environment?

OK, so I know the use of pods can seem like a lot. We’ve all seen those infographics on how non-recyclable plastics are circling this planet and making their way into our oceans, while also clogging up landfills with paper cups from coffee shop visits (or even home brewing). 

But Nespresso makes it really easy when you order your aluminum versions through them! Each order comes with some pre-paid recycle bags that just need to be filled and then dropped off at a local UPS Store.

The Nespresso brand recently came out with a black canister to store used coffee pods. I simply place the shipping bag into the canister (similar to how you would use a garbage liner) and when it’s full, I send it off. With this system, I know that my coffee grounds will be used for composting, while the pods themselves will be recycled into new products, like pens and bicycles. It’s reassuring to know that my used coffee pods won’t end up in a landfill!

Is The Nespresso Vertuoplus Coffee Machine Really Worth It?

Nespresso Vertuoplus Coffee Machine with a milk frother, water canister and a glass of coffee.

The Nespresso machines used to come with a much higher price tag, but the Vertuoplus is a little more affordable at around $150. 

Nespresso pods are more expensive than your average coffee pod, with each serving costing between $0.95 to $1.30. However, when you compare this to the cost of buying coffee from a coffee shop – which can be upwards of $5 per cup – it’s clear that there are some significant savings to be made by using a Nespresso machine at home.

You can also claim your 12-capsule welcome set here.

The Nespresso Vertuoplus Coffee Machine is a great choice for anyone who loves their coffee and wants to save money in the long run. It’s quick and easy to use, and produces consistently good results. Plus, with a wide range of different Nespresso pods available, you’ll never get bored of your morning coffee!

Pair this with the Genuine Zulay Milk Boss Frother as I did and you’ll have the best possible mornings!

– Nespresso Vertuoplus Coffee Machine

Genuine Zulay Milk Boss Frother Article

What Pods Does Nespresso Vertuo Plus Use?

The machine will only run with official Nespresso Vertuo pods, which are a little bit more expensive but have a unique shape that allows the coffee machine to identify the type of pod and create an optimal brewing result. If you try to use any other type of pod, you may damage your machine.

Nespresso Vertuoplus Coffee Machine Conclusion

If you’re like me and have been sucked into the vortex of single serve coffee machines, you know that it can be a bit of a pain when your morning cup is weak and watery. 

But with the Nespresso Vertuoplus Coffee Machine, I no longer have to worry about watered down coffee. In fact, this machine brews such an amazing cup of espresso or lungo that I don’t even need cream or sugar! 

If you’re in the market for a new coffee maker, I highly recommend checking out the Nespresso Vertuoplus.

16 thoughts on “Nespresso Vertuoplus Coffee Machine – Making Watered Down Single Serve Coffee Obsolete”

  1. I have never heard of this coffee machine before, but it sounds great!  Are you able to load pods with your own coffee at all, or do you always have to buy their pre-filled pods?  

    I think your website is great!  It’s laid out nicely and has a pleasant look to it.  You have written it concisely and it is grammatically correct and easy to understand.  You have done a good job explaining the difference between regular coffee makers and this one.  I really couldn’t find anything wrong with it, so good job and I wish you the best of luck.

    1. Hey Lisa,

      You can only use their pods, but it still works out cheaper than a visit to your local coffee shop, and of all the pod machines I have owned this is definitely the best!

      Thanks for sharing.


  2. Oh, my goodness, you are speaking my language.  Every morning I start off with a cup of coffee.  I can literally run out of groceries and be okay, but I cannot run out of coffee and be okay.

    I believe it was God sent that I came across this article because I am wanting an expresso machine for Christmas, wasn’t quite what brand.  I guess my guess work is over; I will be asking my sons for the “Nespresso VertuoPlus, a high-quality espresso machine that does everything you want in under three minutes”. 

    Loved this statement (lol) -” So what if Frank or Irene (2 Random names I came up with LOL) doesn’t want one?”  I know right, who cares what someone else wants…

    Great article! I checked out your coffee maker’s page; I have had a few Keurig’s, but for some reason, they didn’t last.  I am back to using the old faithful coffee pot.  I was curious to know your review on the Braun Brew Sense Drip coffee pot, I like that it is programmable – maybe it’s time for an upgrade (lol).

    I would love to hear about some coffee recipes and the best coffee beans to use.

    Great read and thanks for sharing.

  3. Hi Mark,

    I am currently looking for a new single-serve coffee machine, after having used a different brand for a few years.  I won’t mention the name of the brand but let’s just say it has been pretty disappointing (the machine always breaks down).

    I have been looking into Nespresso machines for a while now, and after reading your review, I think I have found the one.  Like yourself, I am sick of watered-down tasting coffee, and want more of a punch!  I can’t wait to try the different flavours that Nespresso offers, and I think it’s great that this company cares enough about the environment to include pre-paid recycle bags.

    Thanks for the great review.


  4. Hmm, sounds delicious! And the price is fairly reasonable!

    I do love a cappuccino! It helps a little with my migraines. Do you find that coffee has a positive impact on your health?

    I also like the fact that the pods are recyclable. Plastic is such a stain on our generation’s legacy. But these are aluminium.

  5. For coffee lovers like me, “Coffee is life.” This is the same motto of my high school best friend who is getting married next weekend. If one cup of coffee a day is enough for me, for her it’s gotta be 3: morning, afternoon, and evening.

    And since she enjoys coffee so much, I am thinking of getting her a coffee machine as a wedding gift. I think the Nespresso Vertuoplus Coffee Machine is a great choice. One thing I like about it is that there are more than 30 flavors to choose from. My friend and her husband can have a different flavor every day.

    By the way, can we use fresh ground coffee for this machine instead of pods? We have some of the best coffee in our place so it would be nice if my friend can make freshly brewed coffee using the Nespresso VertuoPlus Coffee Machine.

    1. Hi Alice,

      Firstly, all the best to your friend on her special day, and I totally agree that for a coffee lover this would be the ideal gift.

      This machine however only takes pods.


  6. If the Nespresso VertuoPlus Coffee Machine provides fabulous tasting and rich espresso and other coffee drinks; It will be fabulous for entertaining guests. If this is a espresso machine built with high quality controls and can produce excellent coffee in under 3 minutes; it is simply put, sensational. A professional coffee cafe taste would make it a phenomenal buy. This machine delivers 18 flavors which is amazing. It is important to note that this item is ecologically friendly as it provides the means for recycling and composting any waste. Thank you for convincing me about the merits of this machine; I will buy one!

  7. Okay, first off, I want to point out that I am immediately bookmarking this site.  The fact that there is a site dedicated to one of God’s gifts to humanity, coffee, is absolutely amazing!  So thank you for that.  Also,thank you for this review over the Nespresso Vertuoplus Coffee Machine.  I need a good espresso machine.  I prefer having espresso, especially in my coffee.  So thank you so much for this and I’m glad you mentioned something that makes espresso!

    1. Hey Jessie,

      Thanks for bookmarking our site and I am grateful that you found this article helpful.
      The Vertuo is definitely one of the best bang for buck machines on the market at the moment.


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