19 Different Types of Coffee Explained – The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly

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From espresso to cappuccino to Turkish coffee, learn about 19 different types of coffee and what makes them unique.

The origin of coffee is a topic that has been argued over for centuries. Some believe it was discovered in Ethiopia, while others point to Arabia and even further back towards turquoise-colored berries found on some Mande cliffs as evidence proving their case! 

The most accepted story says an Ethiopian goat herder named Kaldi noticed how his goats kept themselves awake at night by chewing these berry-covered plants before going off grazing each morning – soon after, he shared what he knew with other village residents who then spread the news about this new beverage throughout East Africa’s Christian communities.

The story of how coffee became such a popular drink around the world is an interesting one. The Atlantic reports that in 1506, two men were sitting next to each other drinking goats’ milk when one guy happened upon another man’s goat herd, which included some young cocoa plants – this would eventually lead them to discover what we know today as “coffee”.

It wasn’t until Pope Clement VIII himself took a sip from his cup containing these beans and declared it(the evil Satan-made beverage) delicious enough to cheat those demons who try their best at ruining lives by convincing people they’re serving baptized drinks!

Different types of coffee are explained in this list, including some traditional and popular ones. The drink can be brewed with various equipment depending on what style you want to create – cold foam Argentina/Mexican Style? French press Vietnam systematic…etc.

When it comes to coffee, there are all sorts of different types out there. So, what’s the difference between them all? Here’s a quick rundown of 19 different types of coffee explained, from the good to the bad to the ugly.

1. Americano 

Different types of coffee and beans on white wooden table

There are many different types of coffee, but the Americano is a classic choice. This coffee is made by adding hot water to espresso, which creates a more robust flavor. It’s a popular choice for those who want a more intense coffee without all the milk and sugar.

The Americano has a robust and rich flavor that is perfect for those who appreciate a bold cup of coffee. If you’re looking for a delicious and unique coffee option, the Americano is definitely worth trying.

Different Types of Coffee Score: 8/10

2. Latte 

A beautiful cup of cappuccino with latte art in the wooden space background. Trendy toning. Minimal composition, hipster vibes

There are many different types of coffee, but the latte is one of the most popular. So, what exactly is a latte? And what does it taste like?

A latte is made with espresso and steamed milk. The milk is usually foamed, although some people prefer it without foam. The ratio of espresso to milk can vary, but a typical latte has about 1/3 espresso and 2/3 milk.

The espresso gives the latte its coffee flavor, while the milk makes it smooth and creamy. Some people add syrup or other flavorings to their latte, but the basic drink is just coffee and milk.

So, how does a latte taste? Different people have different opinions, but most would say that a latte is smooth, creamy, and not too strong. The coffee flavor is there, but it’s not overpowering.

If you’re looking for a delicious coffee drink that isn’t too strong, a latte is a great choice. And if you’re feeling adventurous, you can always experiment with different syrups and flavorings to create your own unique beverage.

Different Types of Coffee Score: 8/10

3. Cappuccino

hot cappuccino with cinnamon close-up

Cappuccino is a coffee-based drink made with espresso, hot milk, and steamed milk foam. A cappuccino typically has a 1:1 ratio of espresso to milk, with the foam making up the rest.

The origins of cappuccino are disputed, but it is believed to have originated in Italy in the early 1900s. The word “cappuccino” comes from the Italian word for the capuchin monkey, which is also the name of a type of coffee bean.

Cappuccinos are usually made with whole milk, but they can also be made with skimmed milk or dairy-free alternatives like soy or almond milk.

When made with whole milk, a cappuccino has a richer, creamier taste. Skimmed milk will make the drink less creamy, but it will still be smooth and frothy.

Cappuccinos can be flavored with syrups or spices like cinnamon or chocolate powder. They can also be made “dry”, which means with less milk and more foam.

If you want to make a cappuccino at home, you will need an espresso machine and a milk steamer. If you don’t have an espresso machine, you can use a stovetop or a regular coffee maker. Just make sure to use very finely ground coffee beans.

To make a cappuccino, start by heating up your milk and preparing your espresso. Then, froth the milk using a handheld frother or an electric milk steamer.

Next, pour the espresso into a coffee cup and top it with the frothed milk. If you like, you can also add some chocolate powder or cinnamon on top.

Enjoy your cappuccino!

Cappuccinos are typically served in small coffee cups or “demitasse” cups. They can be enjoyed at any time of day, but many people prefer them in the morning or as an afternoon pick-me-up.

If you’re looking for a truly authentic Italian cappuccino, head to a café in Italy. Cappuccinos are usually cheaper and smaller in Italy than they are in other countries.

When made correctly, a cappuccino is a delicious and refreshing drink. It has a strong coffee flavor, but the milk and foam help balance it.

If you love coffee, then you’re sure to enjoy a cappuccino. Give it a try the next time you’re looking for a coffee fix!

Different Types of Coffee Score: 9/10

4. Macchiato

Latte macchiato with whipped cream and caramel sauce in tall glass

There are many different types of coffee, but one that has gained popularity in recent years is the macchiato. This coffee is made by adding espresso to milk and then steamed until it is hot and frothy. The result is a strong and flavourful coffee with a creamy texture.

One of the best things about macchiatos is that they can be made with any type of milk, so if you are dairy-free, you can still enjoy this delicious drink. Soy, almond, and coconut milk all work well in a macchiato.

If you are looking for a coffee with a bit of sweetness, you can add syrups or flavored sauces to your macchiato. Caramel, vanilla, and chocolate are all popular choices.

Regarding taste, macchiatos are rich and flavourful with a slight sweetness. The milk makes them creamy and smooth, while the espresso gives them a nice kick. 

Different Types of Coffee Score: 7/10

5. Mocha

Hot chocolate cup with whipped cream and chocolate slices on dark concrete background. Warm cozy beverage for cold days

There are many different types of coffee, but the mocha is a classic. This coffee has a rich flavor with chocolate undertones. It’s perfect for those who want a sweet treat in their cup.

The mocha is made by combining espresso and chocolate. The chocolate is melted and added to the coffee, giving it a sweet and rich flavor. The mocha is then topped with whipped cream and sprinkles of chocolate.

If you’re looking for a delicious coffee with a chocolate twist, the mocha is a perfect choice. It’s rich, sweet, and sure to please any coffee lover.

Different Types of Coffee Score 9/10. It’s a delicious coffee that hits the spot every time.

6. Americano con Panna

Coffee cup on the wooden table

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world, and there are many different ways to make it. One of the most popular types of coffee is the Americano con Panna, which is made with espresso and steamed milk.

The Americano con Panna is a very rich and creamy drink that has a strong coffee flavor. It is usually made with dark roast coffee, which gives it a deep and rich flavor. The steamed milk helps to balance out the strong coffee flavor and makes the drink smoother and creamier.

The Americano con Panna is an excellent choice for coffee lovers who want a strong and flavorful cup of coffee. It is also a good choice for those who are looking for a less bitter coffee. The Americano con Panna has a deep and rich flavor that is perfect for coffee lovers who want a strong cup of coffee.

Different Types of Coffee Score 8/10. It is a delicious and rich drink that has a strong coffee flavor.

7. Latte Macchiato

Latte Macchiato Coffee Cup on wooden table with roasted Coffee Beans

What about the latte macchiato? This delicious coffee drink is made with espresso and milk and often topped with foam. So how is it made, and what is the best way to brew it? Here’s everything you need to know about the latte macchiato.

The latte macchiato is made with espresso and milk and often topped with foam. The espresso is poured first, followed by the milk. The foam is then spooned on top.

To get the best results, it’s essential to use high-quality espresso beans and milk. The best beans for making espresso are Arabica beans, which have a sweeter flavor. For the milk, you can use whole milk, skimmed milk, or non-dairy milk.

There are a few different methods you can use when it comes to brewing espresso. The most important thing is to ensure that the espresso is extracted correctly. This means that the water should be at the right temperature, and the grind should be just right.

Once the espresso is brewed, it’s time to add the milk. The milk should be heated until it’s steaming, but not boiling. Then, it’s simply a matter of pouring the milk into the espresso and stirring.

If you want to add foam to your latte macchiato, it’s best to use a milk frother which we have just reviewed here from Zulay. This will help to create a smooth, creamy foam that tops off the drink perfectly.

So there you have it, everything you need to know about making a latte macchiato. Just remember to use high-quality ingredients, brew the espresso correctly, and froth the milk to perfection.

Different Types of Coffee Score: 9/10.

8. Cappuccino Con Panna

Latte macchiato with whipped cream, serving silver spoon and pitcher

Cappuccino Con Panna is a delicious and unique coffee drink that is made with espresso, steamed milk, and whipped cream. The best way to brew Cappuccino Con Panna is to use a quality espresso machine. The best type of beans to use for this coffee drink is dark roast beans. This coffee drink has a rich and creamy taste that will please any coffee lover. The whipped cream on top makes this drink even more special.

Different Types of Coffee Score 9/10.

9. Mocha Latte

Homemade trendy Dalgona coffee on wooden table with a spoon of sweet foam. Dalgona coffee with coffee beans on table

Another popular is the mocha latte. This coffee is made with chocolate and milk, and sometimes espresso, to create a rich and flavorful drink.

If you’re looking to make the perfect mocha latte, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. 

First, you’ll need to choose the right type of coffee beans. Different beans will provide different flavors, so it’s crucial to find one that you like. 

Second, the milk you use can also affect the flavor of your drink. Whole milk will create a richer flavor, while skim milk will be lighter.

When it comes to brewing, it’s essential to use fresh, cold water. The coffee beans should also be ground fresh for the best flavor. If you’re using an espresso machine, ensure the water is at a rolling boil before adding it to the grounds. Once you’ve brewed your coffee, add the chocolate syrup and milk of your choice.

The best mocha lattes are made with rich, dark chocolate and creamy milk. But ultimately, it’s up to you to decide what you like best. 

So experiment with different beans and kinds of milk until you find your perfect combination. And don’t forget to enjoy your delicious creation!

Different Types of Coffee Score: 9/10

10. Caramel Macchiato

Caramel Macchiato Coffee Latte

When it comes to coffee, there are many different types that you can choose from. Depending on your preference, you might prefer a particular type of bean or brewing method. If you’re looking for a creamy and sweet coffee, then the caramel macchiato is an excellent choice.

To make a caramel macchiato, you will need the following:

  • 1 ounce of espresso
  • Two tablespoons of caramel syrup
  • 3/4 cup of steamed milk
  • 1/4 cup of foamed milk

Start by brewing your espresso. Once it’s ready, add the caramel syrup and stir to combine. Add the steamed milk next and stir again. Top it off with the foamed milk, and enjoy!

The best beans for a caramel macchiato are light to medium-roasted beans. This will give the coffee a sweeter flavor that pairs well with the caramel syrup. 

If you want a richer flavor, then you can use dark roasted beans. However, remember that the coffee will be less sweet this way.

When it comes to rating the caramel macchiato, we will give it a solid 8 out of 10. It’s a delicious and creamy coffee that is perfect for those with a sweet tooth. If you’re looking for something rich and bold, this might not be your drink. 

However, if you’re looking for a sweet and tasty coffee, then the caramel macchiato is an excellent choice.

Different Types of Coffee Score: 8/10

11. Iced Latte

Iced coffee on wooden table on summer beach.

Nothing is better than an iced beverage on a hot summer’s day. 

Coffee is refreshing all year round, but something about summer makes it even more refreshing. Whether you are at the beach, by the pool, or just enjoying the warm weather, an iced latte is a perfect drink to cool you down. So, how do you make the best-iced latte?

There are a few different ways to make an iced latte. You can either cold brew your coffee or you can make a regular pot of coffee and pour it over ice. Cold brewing takes a little longer, but it is worth it for the smooth, rich flavor. If you are in a hurry, making a regular pot of coffee will work just fine.

When it comes to choosing the best beans for an iced latte, you want to go for a coffee that is smooth and not too bitter. A light or medium roast is usually best. Some of our favorite beans for iced lattes are the Ethiopia Yirgacheffe, Kenya AA, and Guatemala Antigua.

When making your iced latte, be sure to use plenty of ice. This will help keep your drink cold and prevent it from getting watery as the ice melts. A little bit of milk or cream is all you need to add a touch of sweetness and creaminess. If you like your iced lattes on the sweeter side, you can always add a little simple syrup.

The best-iced lattes are made with fresh, quality ingredients. Use the best beans you can find, cold brew if you have the time, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different syrups and flavorings. With a little practice, you can make the perfect iced latte at home.

We would give the iced latte a score of 9 out of 10. The only drawback is that it can be a little time-consuming to make cold-brew coffee. Other than that, this is a delicious and refreshing summertime treat!

Different Types of Coffee Score: 9/10

12. Iced Mocha

Iced caramel latte coffee in a tall glass with syrup and whipped cream

A little like the iced Latte, the iced mocha is made with chilled milk, chocolate syrup, and espresso. However, the iced mocha also includes whipped cream on top. The drink can be enjoyed all year round but is particularly refreshing during the summer months.

Brewing an iced mocha at home is simple and only requires a few ingredients. You will need chilled milk, chocolate syrup, espresso, and whipped cream.

To make the drink, start by brewing the espresso. While the coffee is brewing, mix together the milk and chocolate syrup. Once the espresso is ready, let it cool in the fridge, add it to the milk mixture and stir well. Pour the iced mocha into a glass and top with whipped cream.

I use a cold brew method for my iced mochas as I find it gives a smoother and less acidic taste. To cold brew coffee, simply add ground coffee to cold water and leave it to steep overnight in the fridge. In the morning, strain the coffee and use it as normal.

Or if you want your iced mocha in a hurry (And who wouldn’t?), then a cold brew coffee machine like the Nitro Brew will do the job perfectly.

The best beans for iced mochas are typically a medium roast, which gives a nice balance of sweetness and acidity. My personal favorites are the Ethiopia Yirgacheffe or Kenya AA beans from Hasbean Coffee Roasters.

Taste-wise, iced mochas are rich and chocolatey with a slightly sweet finish. The espresso adds a lovely bitterness which is offset by the sweetness of the milk and syrup. Overall, iced mochas are extremely moreish and very hard to resist!

I would give the iced mocha a score of 10 out of 10. It is a delicious drink that can be enjoyed all year round. The only downside is that if you’re watching your waistline, then this ones a trap (take it from me)

Different Types of Coffee Score: 10/10 Yup, this one is my Fave!

13. Affogato

Preparing affogato

Different types of coffee beans can be used to make an affogato, but some beans are better suited for the task than others. For a rich and flavourful affogato, look for a coffee with high oil content. This will give the drink a more intense flavor and a thicker body.

When it comes to brewing, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Different coffees will require different brewing times and temperatures to produce their best flavors. 

Experiment until you find a method that works well with your chosen coffee beans.

As for what an affogato tastes like, it really depends on the type of coffee used. A rich and flavourful coffee will result in an equally rich and flavourful affogato, while a more delicate coffee will produce a drink with a lighter body and less intense flavor.

Overall, we would give the affogato a score of 6 out of 10. It’s a simple but effective way to enjoy coffee, and the possibilities for experimentation are endless.

Different Types of Coffee Score: 6/10

14. Cortado

Vector chalk drawn sketch of Cortado coffee recipe on chalkboard background.

A cortado is made with espresso and a small amount of milk, usually steamed milk. The ratio of coffee to milk is 1:1, and the drink is served in a small cup.

How to make a cortado:

  • Start with freshly ground coffee beans.
  • Use an espresso machine to brew strong coffee.
  • Add an equal amount of milk to the coffee. Steamed milk works best, but you can also use cold milk or frothed milk.
  • Serve in a small cup, and enjoy!

What Does it Taste Like?

A cortado has a strong coffee flavor with a creamy texture from the milk. The ratio of coffee to milk makes it less sweet than other espresso drinks like lattes and cappuccinos.

Which Beans Make the Best Cortado?

For the best flavor, use dark roast coffee beans. The bold flavors of the dark roast will stand up to the milk in the cortado.

Different Types of Coffee Score: 6/10 – A cortado is an excellent choice for coffee lovers who want a strong cup of coffee with a little bit of creaminess from the milk. It’s also a good option if you want something less sweet than other espresso drinks.

15. Flat White

A cup of coffee with the Sydney Harbour Bridge beyond.

What can I say about the good old flat white? This coffee has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for a good reason. It’s simple yet effective and can be made with a variety of different beans. 

In this section, I will explain everything you need to know about making the perfect flat white.

So, what is a flat white? A flat white is a type of coffee that is made with espresso and steamed milk. The milk is usually microfoam, which means that it has been steamed until it is very fine and creamy. This gives the coffee a smooth and velvety texture.

When it comes to making a flat white, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. Firstly, you need to use a good quality espresso. This is the key to making a great flat white. If your espresso is not up to scratch, then your coffee will not taste as good. 

Secondly, you need to use microfoam milk. This is the key to creating that smooth and velvety texture. 

Thirdly, it’s important to get the ratio of espresso to milk right. Too much espresso and your coffee will be too strong; too little and it will be too weak.

So, now that you know how to make a flat white, what does it taste like? A good flat white should have a rich and full-bodied flavor with a slight sweetness from the milk. The best beans for making a flat white are typically dark roast beans. This is because they have more body and depth of flavor.

So there you have it, everything you need to know about making a flat white. I hope this has helped you out and if you’re ever in the mood for a delicious coffee, be sure to give it a try. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed. 

Different Types of Coffee Score: 9/10.

16. Nitro Cold Brew 

Have you ever had coffee that was so amazing it felt like a heavenly experience? If not, then you’re seriously missing out.

Luckily, there’s a new coffee trend that is taking the world by storm and guaranteeing those heavenly cups of Joe. Nitro Tapp is the latest way to get your coffee fix, and once you try it, you’ll never return to regular coffee again!

So, what is it? Nitro cold brew is coffee that has been steeped for hours in cold water, and then nitrogen gas is added to give it a foamy, creamy texture. It’s like nothing you’ve ever had before!

The best part about nitro cold brew is that it can be made at home with just a few simple ingredients. All you need is coffee beans, water, and a nitro tap (which can be found here). Once you have those items, you’re ready to make the best cup of coffee you’ve ever had!

Here’s a quick guide on how to make a nitro cold brew:

1. Grind your coffee beans and add them to a pitcher of cold water. Steep for 12 hours.

2. Pour the coffee concentrate into a nitro tap.

3. Serve and enjoy!

The best beans for nitro cold brew are medium to dark roast coffees. This is because they have more oils and solids, which gives the coffee a richer flavor. If you’re using light roast beans, you may find that the coffee isn’t as flavorful.

When it comes to taste, nitro cold brew is smooth, creamy, and slightly sweet. The nitrogen gas gives it a foamy texture that is similar to Guinness beer. And since it’s less acidic than regular coffee, it’s easier on your stomach.

So what are you waiting for? Give nitro cold brew a try today! You’ll be glad you did!

Different Types of Coffee Score: 10/10. You Really Need To Try This One!

17. Dirty Chai

masala chai with spices. Cinnamon Stick, Thai Cardamom, Star Anise, Black Peppercorns, Fennel Seeds Black Tea

Dirty Chai doesn’t sound that appealing however, don’t let the name fool you. 

This coffee is made by adding a shot of espresso to spiced chai tea. The result is a rich and creamy drink with layers of flavor. Different baristas have different ways of making dirty chais, but the basic ingredients are always the same. 

Here’s how to make a dirty chai at home.


  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons loose black tea or 2 tea bags
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/8 teaspoon ground cardamom
  • 1 shot espresso


1. Combine the milk, water, black tea, honey, vanilla extract, ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom in a saucepan over medium heat.

2. Cook the mixture until it comes to a simmer, then remove from heat and let steep for 5 minutes.

3. Pour the chai tea through a strainer into a mug.

4. Add the espresso shot and stir.

Dirty chais can be made with any type of milk, but whole milk will give you the richest and creamiest drink. You can also use almond milk, soy milk, or oat milk if you’re looking for a dairy-free option. 

The best type of black tea to use is Assam or Darjeeling, but any loose-leaf black tea will work. If you’re using tea bags, choose a black tea with a bold flavor.

The key to making a delicious dirty chai is in the spices. Make sure to use fresh spices for the best flavor and aroma. Ground ginger, cinnamon, and cardamom can be found in the spice aisle of most grocery stores. You can also buy these spices premixed in a chai spice blend.

Dirty chais are typically served over ice, but they can also be enjoyed hot. If you want to make iced dirty chais, brew the tea mixture ahead of time and let it cool completely before adding the espresso shot. 

For hot dirty chais, reheat the tea mixture until it comes to a simmer, then add the espresso.

Dirty chais are best enjoyed fresh, but they can be stored in the fridge for up to 5 days. When you’re ready to drink, reheat the dirty chai until it comes to a simmer, then add the espresso shot.

If you love coffee and tea, then you’re sure to enjoy a dirty chai. This rich and creamy drink has layers of flavor from black tea, spices, and espresso. Dirty chais are easy to make at home and can be enjoyed hot or iced. Give this unique coffee drink a try today!

Different Types of Coffee Score: 7/10

18. Golden Latte

Closeup view of turmeric latte cup on a textured dark background.

A golden latte is made with espresso, steamed milk, and turmeric. It’s a popular choice for those who want a creamy coffee with added health benefits. Golden lattes can be made at home with a few simple ingredients.

The best way to brew a golden latte is first to make a cup of espresso. Then, add milk and turmeric to a blender and blend until smooth. Pour the mixture into a mug and enjoy!

What does a golden latte taste like? Golden lattes have a creamy, slightly sweet taste with hints of spice from the turmeric. They are also often slightly frothy due to the blending process.

Different types of coffee beans can be used to make a golden latte. However, lighter roasts tend to work best so that the coffee flavor isn’t overpowered by the other ingredients. Overall, golden lattes are a delicious and healthy way to enjoy coffee.

Different Types of Coffee Score: 5/10

19. Matcha Latte

Cup of green tea matcha latte foam art with powder and fresh leaves isolated on white background, top view

A matcha latte is made with matcha powder, steamed milk, and foam. It’s a popular choice for those who want a green tea-flavored coffee with more milk and less foam than a traditional latte. 

There are different ways to make a matcha latte, but the most common method is first to whisk the matcha powder and hot water together to form a paste. Then, the milk is steamed and frothed using an espresso machine. The matcha paste is added to the milk and foam, and the latte is served.

There are many different types of coffee, but not all of them are created equal. 

When it comes to choosing the best type of coffee for a matcha latte, it’s important to choose a bean that has a good balance of acidity and sweetness. Light roast coffee with fruity notes will complement the grassy flavor of matcha powder.

When it comes to brewing, the best way to make a matcha latte is to use a Japanese method called Kyusu. This method involves using a small teapot with a fine mesh strainer. The matcha powder and hot water are added to the pot and stirred gently until the powder is fully dissolved. 

Then, the milk is added and steamed using an espresso machine. Once the milk is frothed, it’s poured into the pot and combined with the matcha mixture. The latte is then served.

Matcha lattes can vary in taste depending on the quality of the matcha powder used. High-quality matcha powder will have a bright green color and a slightly sweet flavor. Lower-quality matcha powder can be more bitter and have a duller color. When it comes to taste, the best matcha latte is one that has a balance of sweetness and bitterness.

The best matcha latte is made with high-quality matcha powder, milk, and foam. It should be brewed using the Kyusu method for the best flavor. The latte should have a balance of sweetness and bitterness, and it should be served warm.

Different Types of Coffee Score: 9/10

Different Types of Coffee Conclusion

So, there you have it! All of the different types of coffee, explained. Now that you know all about the different types of coffee out there, which is your favorite? Espresso? Americano? Or maybe a good old cup of joe? Let us know in the comments below!

5 thoughts on “19 Different Types of Coffee Explained – The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly”

  1. Mocha, latte and Cappuccino are the most popular served coffee in my island. People enjoy coffee not only at breakfast but with pastries any time of the day. I love any coffee served hot, either with or without cream. I have not acquired a taste for cold coffee. Maybe it is a mind thing for me, coffee to me should be enjoyed hot. 

  2. Oh wow, I never knew there were so many ways in which to serve coffee. I live in Italy and I thought I had come across most types of coffee, but there are several here, like caramel macchiato and cappuccino con panna, that I have not heard of before. 

    And looking at the cappuccino con panna, I have never seen it served in Rome where I live. So is this an Americanized coffee, or a speciality served elsewhere in the world? Is it served hot or cold, as from the image it appears to be a cold coffee? 

    You mention that the Americano con panna is made with steamed milk, but as “panna” is the Italian word for “cream” I wonder whether this might be a mistake, or really is actually made with steamed milk, rather than cream. I’d appreciate your clarification. 

  3. As a native Brazilian, I pretty much grew up on coffee!  My absolute favorite is a fresh nitro cold brew, because it reminds me of the strong black coffee from home that I grew up on!  I will definitely be looking into purchasing my own nitro-tap cold brew kit.  Do you have any suggestions for good beans to use with that?  I really like the Starbucks nitro cold brew, but have yet to find a bean to use for a cold brew that matches the flavor.

    1. Hey Antonia I have always gone with a medium roast from Koa coffee, which is the Peaberry, and is amazing as a cold brew with my Nito-tap cold brew kit.

      I have written an article about Koa Coffee and its top 3 brews which you can take a look at here

      I also own a Nitro Tapp cold brewer and recently wrote an article on it here

      Hit me up if you have any questions in regard to either.


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